Client referral tips (3 short videos)

Picture - Joe Torrillo & Mike ByrnesIf client referrals are the main way to grow your business, do not just be good at it, be great at it.

Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, spoke at the first-ever Cambridge Signature Club in San Francisco, California on May 8, 2014.

Watch some of the “Wow Your Clients!” presentation tips Mike shared in these short videos:

Are you referable? (4:07)

  • Client research, if done properly, can map out which clients are happy and which ones are not.
  • Annual surveys can tell you what you are doing well and where you need to improve.
  • Hearing feedback allows you to remove thorns from the sides of clients.
  • You need to know if your clients are highly satisfied before you can ask for referrals.

A simple referrals tip (1:24)

  • Are you not asking for referrals? Hold yourself accountable by adding an agenda topic. It will trigger you to have the conversation when the time is right.

Thanking client referral sources (1:49)

  • What are you doing to reinforce the positive behavior? Create a personalized gift approach (within compliance constraints) that touches your clients.
  • Those that give referrals should be thanked multiple times throughout the year. Create a process in your CRM so you don’t forget.

Also, see pictures from the trip on Facebook, including Mike with Retired New York City Fire Department Lieutenant, Joe Torrillo, who had both towers fall on him on September 11th.

Need help wowing your clients to get more referrals? Or interested in hiring Mike Byrnes as a speaker (in which those with CFP and IMCA designations can get CE credit)? If so, contact Byrnes Consulting today!

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